How To Create A Google Adsense Account, How To Create A Google Adsense Account, How To Create A Google Adsense Account, How To Create A Google Adsense Account, How To Create A Google Adsense Account
Display Google Advertisements On A Website And Make Money
In this section I will show you how to create a Google AdSense Account. Google Adsense is an advertising scheme whereby you to earn, free, money simply for placing one or more Google recommended/targeted Advertisements within your own web pages.
These Google Advertisements as they are known, even though they are from third-party advertisers, can be made up of text only or text and images (it's your choice). Regardless of this though. At the end of the day, whenever someone clicks on a Google Advertisement that is located on your website Google pays you a small commission. This is because you are giving them an advertising space of course.
Google makes money from the advertiser and the advertiser makes money from the customer who has clicked on one of your google advertisements and placed an order for their product(s)/service(s). Even if the advertiser does not get any customers from your google advertisements you still get paid by google simply because you are being paid for each click or every thousand clicks and not for any sales or non-sales.
It is very easy to get carried away with the idea of "Making Money For Nothing" in scenarios like GoogleAdsense, but the reality is the commission (pay out) could work out as little as 5p (five pence) or 5c (five cent) per advertisement click for most people, if that. On top of this. Depending on your payments setting and actual earnings, it may not be worth while receiving a cheque each month from Google if your clicks (advertisements) have not made you $100 or more (the google minimum-earning-limit before paying out).
Anything under $100 would sit in google's bank, earning them interest!, until it is time for them to send you a cheque for $100 or more. That is the reality. What would make your earnings so low? Low CTR (Click Through Rate).
You can have plenty of traffic (visitors) to your website, and excellent content, but not enough visitors clicking on (through) to those google advertisements. And to make matters worse! you cannot invite your visitors to click on those google advertisements. You cannot promote those google advertisements in any way, shape or form.
Before signing up for a Google Adsense Account you should be aware of these three things:
You are not automatically accepted by google adsense - You have to wait for up to 4 days to see if they have accepted your website as worthy.
Your website must appear to be full, even though you may still being adding occasional content to it -Google is not keen on "Under Construction", half finished, websites.
Your website traffic must be reasonable in order for advertising to be profitable to you, google and the third-party advertiser. For more guidance read the Google AdSense Program Policies page.
In this example I am going to submit this website for a google adsense account, but only as an example for this section. It is now April 2010. I already have a google adsense account for my FREE Windows Computer Lessons website at, since September 2009. That google adsense account allows me to place google advertisements on this website, as well as on the Yoingco website, because the google adsenseadvertisements can be applied to any domains you own.
I submitted the Yoingco website for google adsense in September 2009, which was approved. My own criteria (submission factors) for the Yoingco website was as follows:
A 4 years old domain that I class as a bit niche, subject-wise, comprising of 150+ content rich web pages that could each support a google advertisement. It was at that time page-ranked 4, but I had to let it slip down to a page-rank of 2 due to other commitments. Saying this. It was still ranked Page 1, Position 2-3 on google and other search engines, under many keywords and keyphrases such as "computer lessons", "laptop function keys" and so on. Its traffic in September 2009 was slowly climbing again to approximately 12,000 page views per month.
Your website does not need to have 150+ web pages or be 4 years old, of course, but it should be content rich and have quite a high search result position to be within a chance of be accepted by google adsense.
Before creating a Google Adsense Account you should of already signed yourself up for a standard GoogleAccount, via signing up for a Google Analytics Account (see previous section), so that you are not asked to create a standard Google Account from this point onwards.
The benefit of already having a standard Google Account means you can link this new Google AdsenseAccount straight to it. On the other hand, you can have this new Google Adsense Account as a separateaccount and therefore a new standard Google Account will be created for it by default. So if you have not done so already, ideally, you should create yourself a Google Analytics Account before proceeding with this section.
To create a Google Adsense Account you need to take your web browser to the Google Adsense web page ( and click on the SIGN UP button to continue (Fig 1.0 below). From there, fill out the Application Form (Fig 1.1).
Fig 1.0 Click on the SIGN UP NOW link to continue

Fig 1.1 Fill out this Application Form to continue
The first part of the Application Form (above) requires your website details, which are pretty straight forward. Note here though the two tick boxes. You must agree not to put wordings on your website (web pages) stating such things as: "Click On This Ad And Make Me Some Money" or "You Will Get Discounts From These Advertisers, But Only When You Click On The Ad".
So NO PROMOTION OF THE GOOGLE ADS is allowed. And no pornographic/adult/xxx material whatsoever is allowed on your website. So to be clear - By ticking these two tick boxes you are agreeing not to put pornographic material on your website and you are agreeing not to promote the google ads on your website. The reason why I strongly point these things out is because Google will not hesitate to close your GoogleAdsense Account if they feel you have broken its agreement(s).
The next part of the application form (below) requires your personal, name and address, details for Cheque and Postal purposes. In this example any cheque (american spelling: check) google sends me will be made payable to John White and posted to 12 Oakdale Drive..... Before filling out your name and address though you first need to select an account type of either INDIVIDUAL or BUSINESS, from the ACCOUNT TYPE drop-down menu, and then select your place of residence from the COUNTRY OR TERRITORY drop-down menu.

Fig 1.2 Fill out the Account Type, Country/Territory, Name and Address details etc to continue
Once these details have been filled in you will be asked to confirm that the cheque can indeed be written out in your name. So basically. All the details you fill out in this application form should be the same personal details and same bank details, if possible, as you supplied when buying your web hosting package and/or when creating your paypal account (where ever applicable).
Obviously there are times when someone elses details have been supplied, for whatever reason(s), but as much as possible keep the details the same as your website details. This is because in the long term you may be offered to put your earnings into a direct debit account (similar to paypal) as opposed to being sent a cheque each month.
As you reach the bottom of the application form (above) there are a series of agreements and so on that need ticking. In this example I have ticked all five, agreement and so on, boxes and also filled in the TELEPHONE NUMBERS edit box. It states numbers but only one number is required. Either your Landline telephone number or your Mobile (Cell) telephone number.

Fig 1.3 Click on the necessary agreements (tick boxes) before clicking on SUBMIT INFORMATION
In my case nobody from Google telephoned me to confirm my details, but this does not mean they will never telephone me. And the same applies to you. They may need to telephone one day, for whatever reason(s), so always give them a working telephone number and proper registration details in general. When you have completed this part of the application form click on the SUBMIT INFORMATION button to continue.
After clicking on the SUBMIT INFORMATION button (Fig 1.3 above) the following page (Fig 1.4 above) shows you the personal details you have entered for your registration of a Google Adsense Account. Glance over them to make sure they are correct. If they are not, click on the BACK button at the bottom of the page (Fig 1.5 below). Assuming they are correct, continue with the rest of the page (below). You will be asked if you have a standard Google Account already or if you want to create a new standard Google Account.

Fig 1.4 Confirm all your registration details are correct before continuing
As said at the top of this section, ideally you should have a standard Google Account already before proceeding with this section. So assuming you do have a standard Google Account, make sure the top radio (circle) button of the WHICH BEST DESCRIBES YOU option is selected.
The option called WOULD YOU LIKE TO USE YOUR EXISTING GOOGLE ACCOUNT FOR GOOGLEADSENSE (below) gives you the choice of using your existing standard google account User Name & Password for this google adsense account or creating a new User Name & Password purely for this googleadsense account. The latter option will create a standard google account for you, by default.
In this example I have chosen to use my google account for my google adsense account. This means I do not need to go through the email verification process, because I am signing into a valid email address (already verified email address).

Fig 1.5 Do you have a google account already? If so, you can use it with this google adsense account.
As said above; If you find you have made a mistake with your registration details simply click on the BACK button to edit them. Otherwise, click on the CONTINUE button when you have entered the User Name & Password belonging to your google account, which will be used to sign in to your google adsense account (if you are accepted).
Clicking on the CONTINUE button in this example will more than likely send you back to the latter part of the above form, just to reconfirm your agreements now you are signed into your google account. If so, complete that form again and then click on the CONTINUE button to continue. Either way, you should end up with the following confirmation page.

Fig 1.6 It is now a waiting game to see if you, and your website, have been accepted
As you can see; It will take 1-2 days before you get a decision from google as to whether or not you, and your website, have been accepted for Google Adsense. In reality though it can take less. Mine ony took around 5 hours.

Fig 1.7 This is the CONGRATULATIONS email you will receive if successful
One interesting fact here is that google accepted this website based on a fake address. The address I gave above was totally made up - The postcode does not exist for example. Neither does the street name in Camberwell. On top of this, they did not check if I had other domains. If they looked at this site and saw the google adsenseadvertisements already on it they could trace back that these advertisements belong (come from) my Yoingco website.
Furthermore. Although this website is ranked/positioned on page 1 of google, and other search engines, the traffic is not that perhaps google's criteria, if any, really is a website's rank/position?
Saying all of this; There is no point giving a fake address because you will not get paid. All bank details and personal details have to be confirmed later, in the google adsense control panel. My fake address was purely for this example of course. I was expecting a refusal/denied email to tell you the truth!
Anyway! The email you will be waiting for, as you can see from Fig 1.7, is titled: Welcome to GoogleAdsense. If you do not receive an email after four days, or do not receive an "Unfortunately,..." email, you can take this as refused/denied.
If you are accepted for a google adsense account, upon signing into it you will be asked to accept the adsenseTerms & Conditions (not shown here) which I advise you read carefully before clicking on its YES, I AGREE..... button.
If you have chosen to link this google adsense account to an existing google account, which may have agoogle analytics account attached to it and therefore now be linked to this google adsense account, you can unlink this google adsense account from your google analytics account by making a request to google here(You must be logged into your google account for this link to work).
If you have not linked your google adsense account with your google analytics account, but now want to link them, you can do so at any time by following the instructions here.
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